Can you see this? is a year-'round blog celebrating all the Halloween things, but I'm always excited and happy to partake in the "Countdown to Halloween" Blog-o-Thon.

This will be my 14th year participating in the Countdown, having started on a previous blog, then to social-based posting, to a newsletter, and back to good-old-fashioned blogging.  

The vehicle doesn't matter, the journey does.  And it's been one hell of a journey.

Take some time to digitally trick or treat at the 60+ participants in a Google Spreadsheet HERE and be sure to drop in some encouraging comments on their respective blogs to show that you love what they do.

This year's Countdown theme is "Graveyard Smash" which I'm going to interpret as getting all the posts that have been sitting in my 'idea graveyard' out of my notebooks, cocktail napkins, and wrinkled Post-Its, and put them to rest on this here blog.  

A reminder that it goes fast, so ramp up your Halloween celebratin' to 13 (11 is soooo last year) and enjoy the season.

-  AllHallowSteve

October 1, 2023

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